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From: Martin Kift <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 09:59:16 GMT0BST
Subject: Bugs etc, and some display questions
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Hi all (and Acid too),
I have had various bug reports on my game, and while one or two of
them are obvious bugs in my code, some of them at first appear to be
either bugs or deficiencies in blitz itself. I may be wrong on one
or two of them (so don't flame) me, I'm just trying to chase
solutions to my problems, buts heres a few of them:
1. My game does not boot from os3.1 (reported by other people, I
can't test cos I only have 3.0). I think it causes a system crash.
Also (as reported in other letters), running from DOpus causes a
similar crash, maybe they are related.
2. I cannot find away to force open a pal screen screen when using
slices, which is important when running on an ntsc system. Eventually
I'd like to open a proper ntsc screen and support it properly, but in
the meantime, I'd like to open a pal screen.
Hmm, I thought there was more than that, maybe my memory is going 8)
Heres a couple of questions tho, maybe you can help me on these:
1. How do I change rgb values in displays (the new display library,
replacement for slices). Do I use the slice rgb command (doubt it?),
or is there a command I've missed.
2. When programming in the display library, I understand I create
some copper lists (using InitCopList) and then call CreateDisplay.
What happens if I want to dump that display and create another,
probably based on a different coplist. (e.g. in my game, I go from a
2slice dp screen, to a full screen slice for the endscreens, etc,
back to 2slice dp screen etc).
Also, for this situation, do I have to initialise 3 cop lists (2 for
the game screens and 1 for the endscreen, even tho this is not used
until the end), since I understand this will take up a lot of memory.
With slices,, I can delete and create them as the game runs, but I
can't see similar functions to do this under displaylibs.
Thanks for your time.
P.S. Any release dates available for BUM7? Any chances of fixes for
the debugger (have you considered the possiblity of remote debugging,
that would be beautiful!!), the sound/caches problem. Thanks.